Thursday, March 29, 2012


A question was recently posted on Facebook.  “Is it necessary for a Christian to go to church?”  The intent behind the question wasn’t trying to determine if going to church is necessary for salvation or for securing it, because from a biblical perspective it certainly is not.  But the question’s importance is more this: “Should a Christian make church a necessity in their walk with Christ?”  The biblical answer to this one is “yes”.  
Assembling together as the body of Christ is a constant in the Scriptures.  In Acts we see that the early church gathered together for the apostles teaching, fellowship, communion and prayer.  We also read that worship was a high priority for the church.  Praising God for all He was and did marks the church throughout the ages.  
Yet because we realize our salvation isn’t tied to church attendance we can develop some sloppy habits regarding church.  We live at a time when we have mobility and enough disposable income to take trips and get away on a lot of weekends.  If we have kids, we find that school scheduled activities, especially sports, compete with Sunday mornings.  We have full social calendars that can make Sunday morning an attractive day to sleep in.  
We certainly don’t want to adopt attitudes of legalism or be judgmental, but we do well to remember the admonition of the writer of Hebrews in 10:25, “And let us not neglect our meeting together as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of His coming back again is drawing near.”
“Is it necessary for a Christian to go to church?”   Yes, if we are going to follow the example of the believers in Bible times and throughout history.  Yes, if we allow our church attendance to deepen our worship and love for God.  Yes, if we want to be built up into a deeper faith.  Yes, if we want to be used by God to encourage each other and pray for one another.  In fact to not be a part of our Sunday gathering impoverishes us and others that God intends us to bless.
So how do you view church on your scale of what’s important?  If you were to ask God, would He be happy with your view?

Thursday, March 22, 2012


I remember the day as if it was yesterday.  June 1st, 2009.  We had gone to my daughters for a few days.  Even though Mary wasn’t feeling the greatest, she didn’t want to miss time with Sarah and Matt.  As the day unfolded, it became evident there was something really wrong with Mary.  We took her to the ER at the University of North Carolina Hospital.  After tests were completed Dr. Germanwala,  a neurosurgeon, gave me the most life shattering news I could have ever received.  “Your wife has a mass on her brain.  It is cancer and she has just months to live.”
Cancer!  I hate Cancer.  It invaded my wife’s body uninvited and insidiously began to take her life until the ugly deed of death was accomplished, May 21, 2010.  Not only did it take Mary’s life it has infiltrated the lives of many of my friends.  Why do I and many others hate cancer?  Because we deeply love the person that has it and we hate to see what it does to them.  
Sin is a spiritual cancer in our lives.  Why does God hate it so?  Because He deeply loves the person who is being destroyed by it and knows what the full consequence of sin will be.  But where we are helpless against cancer, God is not helpless regarding sin.  He did something about it.
Easter fills its lungs and shouts at the top of her voice, “God really loves mankind!”  
We are in the Lenten season.  It is a time to reflect on the passionate love of Christ.  He saw the effects of sin in the humanity He created and did something about it.  His desire to see us free from sin and its effects caused Him to come to earth in human form, die the cruel death of crucifixion, and provide the only cure for our sinful condition.  So many people today live lives far beneath what God created them for.  They experience sins invasion resulting in broken lives, ruined relationships, gnawing guilt, unfulfilled potential, and eternal death.  God sees it all.  He says, “I have so much more for you.  Will you let me bring the cure?  I died for you.  I shed my blood for you.  I offer you life in its fullest and best.  
Are you experiencing that this Easter?  If not, what’s holding you back?  

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I was looking at my garage the other day.  Then I looked at my basement.   I couldn’t believe the stuff that has been piling up over these past two years.  Things had been placed orderly and neatly.   Now shelves designed for car stuff, lawn stuff, kids toys, school memorabilia, books, pictures could all be labeled “miscellaneous”.   What happened?  What happened is what we call “clutter”.  

That word clutter is never used in a positive context.   It is saying we have allowed a lot of stuff to accumulate where it really doesn’t belong.   That’s not saying the stuff isn’t good stuff.  It’s just too much of it.  Everything just starts to crowd out the stuff that should be front and center.  It looks messy after a while whether it’s our home, mind or life.  So we have garage sales, or we take things to Goodwill, or bag them up to give our kids (so they can deal with the clutter.)  

Clutter can happen in our spiritual lives, too.  I have bookmarks in four books.  Two magazines are on my desk waiting to be read.  I’m in three Bible studies, involved in two service ministries, in church for worship, (where I hope I can get my mind and heart focused), administrate and lead the church’s mission and vision, meet with staff, give pastoral care. 
Spiritual busyness can cause clutter.  All good stuff, but maybe too much stuff where I lose sight of what needs to be front and center.   

Did you notice something missing from the above list?  P-R-A-Y-E-R!  And it is never clutter.  It should always be front and center.  So keep that in mind when you take inventory of your spiritual life.  Has a lot of good stuff crowded out the best stuff?  Does prayer have its rightful place?

Sunday afternoon, April 22 at 4:00 will be the second of four corporate prayer times that will take place at CCC this year.  Put it on the calendar.  Make sure no “clutter” chokes it out or covers it up.  As a church body let’s keep moving corporate prayer to center stage where it rightfully belongs.  We did it in January when about 250 adults gathered to pray.  Let’s do it again.  We want to leave nothing on the table that God has planned for us.

Lord, keep teaching us to pray!   

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


In the 1980’s I had eye surgery to correct double vision.  Double vision can be a good thing when you’re counting attendance on a Sunday morning, but it is a bad thing when you’re playing baseball and a line drive is coming at you.  Our vision is important.  We value it.  In fact we may feel it is the most important of our five senses.  
Vision is important to a church as well.  Without vision to see where we are going, we can stumble around and grope our way into the future without a clear sense of direction.
How is CCC’s vision?  I think it is pretty good.  Our vision “EYE CHART” is posted in the front foyer for all to see, but if you haven’t read it lately, see how it reads to you.
What does that look like?  Here is what resonates with me and has my commitment.
As a part of the church body:
I will engage people in relationships and by word and deed share with them the good news of the gospel, that God loved them so much He died for them so they may have everlasting life. 
I will continue a lifelong quest to grow in my relationship with Christ to where his character is reflected in my life more and more, and where what matters most to Him matters most to me.
I will engage His mission by using the gifts and talents He has given me both inside and outside the walls of our church building.   I will serve others.
All this will be pursued in the context of loving and caring relationships, and prayer.
It is really not complex.  It is short and sweet, but by focusing on these things our vision will be clear, 20/20 in fact.  Are you seeing things clearly these days?