A question was recently posted on Facebook. “Is it necessary for a Christian to go to church?” The intent behind the question wasn’t trying to determine if going to church is necessary for salvation or for securing it, because from a biblical perspective it certainly is not. But the question’s importance is more this: “Should a Christian make church a necessity in their walk with Christ?” The biblical answer to this one is “yes”.
Assembling together as the body of Christ is a constant in the Scriptures. In Acts we see that the early church gathered together for the apostles teaching, fellowship, communion and prayer. We also read that worship was a high priority for the church. Praising God for all He was and did marks the church throughout the ages.
Yet because we realize our salvation isn’t tied to church attendance we can develop some sloppy habits regarding church. We live at a time when we have mobility and enough disposable income to take trips and get away on a lot of weekends. If we have kids, we find that school scheduled activities, especially sports, compete with Sunday mornings. We have full social calendars that can make Sunday morning an attractive day to sleep in.
We certainly don’t want to adopt attitudes of legalism or be judgmental, but we do well to remember the admonition of the writer of Hebrews in 10:25, “And let us not neglect our meeting together as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of His coming back again is drawing near.”
“Is it necessary for a Christian to go to church?” Yes, if we are going to follow the example of the believers in Bible times and throughout history. Yes, if we allow our church attendance to deepen our worship and love for God. Yes, if we want to be built up into a deeper faith. Yes, if we want to be used by God to encourage each other and pray for one another. In fact to not be a part of our Sunday gathering impoverishes us and others that God intends us to bless.
So how do you view church on your scale of what’s important? If you were to ask God, would He be happy with your view?