Some years ago the pop group Three Dog Night sang a song that included these lyrics, "One is the loneliest number that you'll ever do." Having been widowed recently I can understand that sentiment, but there are some "ones" that are really good. “Ones” in which there is no loneliness, only blessing. Last Sunday night our church family got to experience the joy of being "one" body during our second Concert of Prayer. The oneness that results when the body of Christ comes together like that is something special. Multiple generations and age groups mix. To hear the heart of God that comes from the old and young while they pray together makes you realize that in spite of worship preferences, race or gender, age or stature, we are one body, committed to one Lord, one mission. There is an old adage, "The family that prays together, stays together." The same can be said of the church.
Our church wide prayer events have this cool side benefit. Though we meet to encounter God in prayer and seek His engagement in His world and ours, there are other neat things that happen. One of them is that we get drawn closer together as a body. Want to really get to know the heart of someone? A 20 year old? A 70 year old? Be a part of our prayer events. Listen to them pray. It will strengthen our oneness, really grow our love for one another, break down stereotypes and put a smile on God's face.
The next prayer event? Sunday, August 5th. These are powerful times. Put it on your calendar today and we'll see you then.