I don’t need a sabbath. Rest is for wimps.
God must have designed it for weaker, lazier people than me. I guess I just have more drive than normal people. I’m perfectly content to work nonstop and sleep 4 hours a night. Work energizes me. I’ve found a healthy rhythm of life, in which work is the center point, the place that I pour the bulk of my time and passion.
Or maybe I’m just in denial...
When was the last time you took a day to just rest? When was the last time you got a day away from your normal environment to get some perspective? Do you remember? If not, take a day off! If you can remember it, didn’t you find it refreshing? Maybe you even felt like when you went back to the workplace you were more productive than usual.
Does that surprise you? Should it?
Sabbath was one of God’s many bright ideas. It didn’t come from the latest self-help book. It isn’t part of some new age fad. God Almighty laid it out at the foundation of the earth itself. It shouldn’t surprise us at all that it actually works. God didn’t suggest a sabbath to kill your productivity. He also didn’t suggest it to promote a “working for the weekend” mentality. He suggested it because he knows what’s best for his kids. (That’s us!) He suggested it because it is healthy - it is good. While we’re on the topic, he didn’t “suggest” it at all. He modeled the behavior in Genesis 2 and he commanded the behavior in Exodus 20 as the 4th commandment.
It’s funny that in a business minded culture we really value hard work to such an extreme that we sometimes reject the need for a sabbath altogether. Let’s put a stop to that. Take a break. Zoom out. Get perspective. Listen for God. Come back refreshed. I dare you.