Friday, August 31, 2012


Last Sunday our church finished a seven months walk through the story of the Bible.  It was a wonderful journey that ended with the Book of Revelation.  Many find Revelation to be a difficult read, due to all the imagery and symbolism.  But no matter the challenges one may face it is worth it, for in the last two chapters of the book, we get a glimpse of the new heaven and new earth.  I came across a beautifully written description of the comfort and joy of that new reality by Joseph Seiss.  I want to share it with you.

“Think then what its regeneration must bring, an earth that no longer smarts and smokes under the curse of sin.  An earth which needs no more to be torn by hooks and irons to make it yield its fruits.  An earth where thorns and thistles no longer infest the ground, nor serpents hiss among the flowers, nor savage beasts lay in ambush to devour.  An earth whose sod is never cut with graves, whose soil is never moistened with tears, or saturated with human blood, whose fields are never blasted with unpropitious seasons, whose atmosphere never gives wings to the seeds of plague and death. Whose ways are never lined with funeral processions, or blocked up with armed men on their way to war.  An earth whose hills ever flow with salvation, and whose valleys know only the sweetness of Jehovah’s smiles, an earth from end to end and from center to utmost verge, clothed with the eternal blessedness of Paradise Restored”

That day is coming and for those who are in Christ all the “ugly” of this world will never be experienced again.

Friday, August 24, 2012


My father has been dead for 13 years now.  I have incredible admiration for my Dad so I’ve been pondering the question, “How much of my Dad do I have in me?”  Obviously I have genetic representation since he’s my biological Father.  I know I have his hands.  I wear the wedding band my Mom gave him on my right hand.  When I look at my hands I see my Dad’s hands.  And then I think of my Dad.  The ring and my hands are a reminder of the things I admired about my Dad.  My Dad was a kind and gentle man.  He was trustworthy.  He was a hard worker and good provider.  He was faithful to my Mom for all 60 years of their marriage.   He gave generously of his earnings to the Lord’s work and always was there to help family.    He called regularly on Saturday mornings to talk and pray with me for Sunday’s ministry.  

The characteristics of my Dad that are seen in me are there because of my desire to emulate them in my life.  I have a heavenly Father whose characteristics are also very known to me, His sacrificial love, His touch of compassion and kindness, His strength and wisdom, His grace and mercy.  I not only want friends of my Dad’s to say, “I see your Dad in you”, I also want to hear people say, “I see your heavenly Father in you.”

Are there qualities of God we admire?  Do we want to emulate them in our lives?  Can you see them?  Can you name them?  Can you live them?

Sunday, August 12, 2012


On August 9th, 1952, a little baby girl was born into the home of Bob and Margaret Biggs.  They named her Mary Ann.  On November 10, 1972 I met her for the very first time.  It was love at first sight.  In God’s goodness and mercy she said “yes” to my marriage proposal and for 35 years I was blessed beyond my worthiness with the sweetest, most amazing wife a man could dream of.  
Memories of our years together are fun and special, but as I commemorated her 60th birthday I found myself reflecting more on her life’s impact.  I am the man I am today because of her presence in my life.  She showed me what it was to pursue God with all one’s heart.  She lived her faith boldly, without compromise.  She lived selflessly and generously.  The fruit of the Spirit was ripe in her life, and it was manifested in all she was and did.  We often hear people talk about leaving a legacy.  Mary was never motivated by that concept.  All she cared about was living a life pleasing to God and being a blessing and an uplifter of people.  Though she didn’t know it, she left a legacy.  It is found in each person, who like me, was touched by her life.   Happy 60th birthday, sweet lady.

Friday, August 3, 2012


A N T I C I P A T I O N.  Isn’t that a great word!  I remember as a kid my Dad saying to me, “When I get home from work tomorrow we’re going fishing.”  Wow, did that get me excited.  I couldn’t wait!!  Fishing with Dad meant stopping at a truck stop for a cheeseburger, fries and shake, sticking a boat in the water and going after the “big ones”.  On the way home it always meant a stop at the Dairy Queen for a chocolate dip cone.  Life just didn’t get better than that.
I also love the anticipation of a road trip.  Next week I’m driving down to Chapel Hill, NC to visit my twin grandboys, Luke and Sam.  Oh yeah, Sarah and Matt, the parents, they live there too.  But the joy of seeing those boys and having time with them gets me all pumped up.  The closer the day of departure gets, the greater the anticipation.
Do you think God ever anticipates anything?  Like the homecoming of His children.  Since nothing ever catches him off guard, He is well aware of the new arrivals.  I did a funeral today for a lady who was a beautiful Christian lady.  I love to imagine the homecoming celebration in heaven as word got out that a new arrival was coming.  Her room was made ready.  The sheet music was passed out to the musicians that would serenade her.  The royal robe prepared as one who is a co-heir with Christ, and then God’s child arrives.  
Yes, I believe there is anticipation in heaven.  I love that word.
Precious in the sight of the Lord are the death of His saints. Ps 116:15