The church of Jesus Christ has grown from a little mustard seed of 12 apostles and a few hundred followers in the city of Jerusalem, to a flourishing plant that shadows the globe today 2000 years later. Over 2,000,000,000 believers in Jesus Christ are present in just about every country of the world.
A part of the reason for this spread is that God calls pastors and missionaries to lead the expansion of the work of the Kingdom, to keep the gospel of Jesus Christ alive and growing. Each generation has seen God’s call on men and women. CCC is no exception. Many of our young people are serving the Lord in full time ministry positions around the world.
One of our core commitments as a church is to develop our young pastoral leadership. We are blessed to have four godly, committed and gifted young men on our pastoral team. As we look to the future we want to help them develop the gifts and passions God has given them to prepare them for their next steps in church ministry. One of the areas we are committed to helping them develop is preaching. So throughout 2013 each will preach on Sunday morning at least twice throughout this year. They are the next generation that will be advancing the Kingdom of God and we are so blessed to have them at CCC. Pray for them, that their heart and skills will continue to be shaped by God. I know God will use them to bless us.