I must admit I would rather be strong than weak. When it comes right down to it we all want to be healthy as an ox, strong as a bull, tougher than nails, have the stamina of a marathoner, and basically be able to do whatever it takes. We would rather help than be helped because strength speaks of independence, capacity, the ability to accomplish great things. We want to be strong, for ourselves, for others, for God.
Sure sounds like a good attitude and pursuit to me, yet I find some intriguing words in Scripture about this. The apostle Paul made the striking discovery that God likes us weak, dependent on Him. He says that when we are in that posture or condition, then we are strong. It seems incongruent to the thinking mind.
I remember as a young man taking the Red Cross Water Safety Instruction course so I could work as a life guard at summer camps. One of the principles to life saving was that the rescuer would be the strong one and the rescuee would submit to the strength of the rescuer. How to accomplish that was included in the course. (By the way, swimming rescues were to be the very last resort). What one discovered was if the drowning person let himself be totally submitted to the instruction and efforts of the rescuer he would find himself back on solid ground none the worse for wear. It the drowning person fought with his own strength, it endangered both of them. God is our rescuer. He is our provider. His strength is what we need. He says, “My power is perfected in your weakness”.
Want to be strong? Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. He is so much stronger than us anyway. It just makes sense.