Friday, June 20, 2014


Time can be a cruel taskmaster.  It tics and tics unrelentingly.  We have heard the adages, “Time waits for no man,” and “Time marches on.”  I am experiencing their truth right now.

I am in my last four Sundays of ministry at CCC.  In a short period of time I will be saying goodbye to a church community that I have loved dearly.  I count it among my life’s greatest joys and blessings to have been the lead pastor of Centerville Community Church.  

I spent these past few months asking myself, “What do I preach at the end?  What do I really want to leave behind from God’s Word?”

After weeks of thought I decided to pick three verses or passages of Scripture that have played a major part in shaping my life and ministry.  Here they are.  June 22 – II Corinthians 5:14,15.  I am going to title the sermon, Living by Dying.  On June 29th I will be speaking from one of the key verses that can be used to describe Jesus’ life on earth.  It bears our full commitment.  Its John 1:14 – Grace and Truth.  On July 6th, my last preaching Sunday here, I will focus on Proverbs 3:5,6, which speaks about Trust and Confidence.  

On Sunday, July 13th, I will have the joy of passing the shepherd’s staff to our new pastor, Dwight Ford, then leaving that afternoon with Melinda for Florida and the next chapter of our lives in serving the Lord.  Goodbyes are hard, but as we all know with each goodbye comes a new beginning, and when God is in it good things come from it.  
So let’s make these last weeks meaningful and victorious.  Let’s embrace what God is doing and what He has to say from his Word.  See you Sunday.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


We are excited about the Fords’ arrival.  Lara will be here next week trying to finalize housing.  They want to get moved here as quickly as they can, hoping to be here by Sunday, July 13th.  We have an exciting combined service planned for their Welcome Sunday.  You won't want to miss it.  We will follow the service with a church picnic.  It's going to be a fun day to celebrate.

Pray for the Fords as they move.  They have a house to sell in NY and a home to sublet in Washington.  Pray that suitable housing will be found next week. 

We will keep you posted as further details come about.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


I first discovered Eugene Peterson as a writer in the 1980’s.  I loved his stuff and read everything he wrote.  Many today continue to enjoy his paraphrase of the Bible, entitled “The Message”.

One of his books had a title that grabbed me, A Long Obedience in the Same Direction.  That is what the Christian life is, a commitment to follow Jesus all the way.  Believers are convinced that Jesus is totally worth living for and dying for.  To start that “long obedience” we need to embrace two concepts, that we are disciples and pilgrims.  To quote Peterson, “’Disciple’ says we are people who spend our lives apprenticed to our master, Jesus Christ.  We are in a growing-learning relationship, always.  A disciple is a learner, but not in the academic setting of a schoolroom, rather at the work site of a craftsman.  We do not just acquire information about God but skills in faith.
Pilgrim tells us we are people who spend our lives going someplace, going to God, and whose path for getting there is the way, Jesus Christ.  We realize that “this world is not our home” and set out for the “Father’s House”, our final destination.  

Paul, in Hebrews 12:1-2 challenges us to live accordingly.  “Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.”

Word pictures are good things.  Do we see ourselves as “disciples” and “pilgrims”? Those words help us understand what it means to be a Christian.  May our “long obedience in the same direction” be an exciting and fulfilling journey.

Thursday, May 22, 2014


I have been in pastoral ministry for almost 40 years now.  As my time at CCC is coming to an end I have been reflecting on a number of things.  What do I want to preach as my last four sermons here?  What has changed since I started ministry in 1975?  What were some of the memorable happenings of these past 40 years?   

I started with my years in youth ministry, grinning at the memories of camps, retreats, boundary waters experiences, and seeing where some of those youth are today while rejoicing in the small part Mary Ann and I played in those lives.  I reviewed the years of my first pastorate.  I had one driving passion, love people in Jesus name, and preach the Word.  I met all kinds of interesting people.  

I remember visiting a family who never, I mean never, threw anything away, whether it was a magazine or an empty TV tray.  My visit was prompted by the arrest of their fifth child on 3rd degree terrorism charges.  They asked if I would be a character witness at his trial.  (He was a character alright).  I remember showing up in court and not recognizing him.  Instead of a thermal shirt and overalls, his lawyer had him dressed up in a suit and tie.  Instead of a scraggly beard he was clean shaven, with his hair cut and groomed.  

That seems to happen a lot.  We want to look good in court. 

Have you ever thought how you’re going to dress when you stand in the court of the Holy God some day?  That day is going to come for all mankind, when we are one on one with the God who created us, who is going to hold us accountable for our lives.  Thank God we as Christians have Jesus for our attorney, our advocate.  He realizes our dress code is not going to cut it.  There will be no mercy in the court if we show up in our sinful rags.  So because of His death on the cross he is able to clean us up, exchange the old rags for His righteous ones.   When we stand in His clothes of righteousness there will be no condemning sentence of guilt coming from the judge.  Jesus bore all our sin on the cross and leaves us now guilt free.   As the song writer so beautifully penned, “Dressed in His righteousness alone faultless I stand before the throne.”

What a great gift.  Get happy!! Get elated!!!  You’ve got an amazing Savior.

Friday, May 16, 2014


Melinda and I are living in a hotel room. Skunks invaded the farmhouse some weeks ago and efforts to eliminate the odor haven't fully succeeded. The hotel room is about 18' x 11 feet, about the size of our former master bedroom. Yet amazingly it's very functional. We have a microwave, little fridge, nice comfortable bed, a place to hang clothes, a couch, table and chairs, climate control, and a full bath. Food, clothing, shelter. All bundled up in this little place. Cozy. Few of us would want to live this way for the rest of our lives but the fact is that 50% of the people in the world would consider this living in the lap if luxury. Whether we are living in a hotel, motel, apartment or house we have a ton to be thankful for. We do live well. Trust we are living with a thankful heart these days!!

Friday, May 9, 2014


When you love long enough you have years you want to remember and years you want to forget. Some years are packed with good memories, others with tough and sad ones. May of 2009 to May of 2010 was a tough and sad year. It was the year my first wife, Mary Ann was diagnosed and died of brain cancer. But May of 2013 to May of 2014 has been a good year. A year ago the church board started the process of finding the next lead pastor for CCC. By May of this year God led us to His man. How special it has been to see God's hand on this. Add to that my wedding to Melinda back in September. She is truly a treasure, an incredibly special gift to me and my family.

Plus, today we close on the sale of my house which has been home for the last 8 1/2 years. The people buying it are so excited. This will be the first home they own. On top of that we had a successful estate sale. Everything is gone. "I am now free to move about the country."  Add to all this the memories I've been enjoying as I look back over almost 40 years of Christian ministry. It's a great year to once again remember God is good and God is faithful. All the time. Every year.

Friday, May 2, 2014


I have been in church ministry for almost 40 years.  I love the church because it is God’s chosen vehicle to accomplish His mission on earth and all those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ are a part of it.  Jesus gave the church high value when he said in Matt 18:16, “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”  The church was born at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came in power.  It was through the Spirit empowered messages of Peter and the apostles that thousands of people came to faith in Jesus Christ and began to band together as the Body of Christ, one of the great metaphors for the church.

Right from the start the church gathered.  They built community, grew strong in faith through teaching, prayed together, and saw the good news proclaimed to the saving of both Jew and Gentile.

The church has leaders, gifted and called by God, to move the church forward in the effectiveness of its mission.   One of those leaders is called pastor/teacher as indicated in Ephesians 4.  CCC has had two pastor/teachers in the last 37 years, but now the time has come to embrace a third.  This past weekend Dwight Ford accepted the unanimous call of the church Board to be our next pastor.  This is an exciting culmination to over a year’s worth of prayer and diligence on the part of the Search Committee and the Governing Board.

So this is a celebrative time because God has led us here.  We have so clearly seen His hand on the entire process.

I know change in leadership can be a little scary.  The known for the unsure.  But I encourage you to have confidence in your church leadership who have prayed diligently, even as we have, for the Lord to lead us to HIS man, knowing that they would not settle on anything less. 

Dwight and his family should be relocating to Centerville around July 1st.  He will assume the senior pastor leadership role in mid-July.  I encourage you to embrace him as God’s man for CCC and be ready to move together in the accomplishment of the mission and vision God has given His church at CCC.   

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I always enjoy watching the little kids during the church’s Easter Egg Hunt.  They come with their empty baskets and see the church grounds covered with tons of goodies for them to collect.  This past Saturday I watched the two year olds in amazement.  So many different personalities show themselves. There are those who have only one goal, fill the basket with whatever they can get their hands on.  There are others who pick up a sucker, look it over, mull whether it’s something they want and either put it back on the ground or put it in their basket.  By the time all the candy has disappeared from the hunt area, some have their buckets full to overflowing and others barely have anything in theirs.  Yet both seem very happy with what they have.  

We came on Easter Sunday with our buckets ready to be filled.  We celebrated the treasures of God in Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection.   Our buckets were filled with His love, peace, joy, salvation, right standing, Holy Spirit, inheritance, heaven.  Our buckets have all the best goodies in them, “treasure with which we couldn’t be happier.”

Christ the Lord is risen indeed.  Our Savior reigns.  Hallelujah!!

Thursday, April 17, 2014


I was captivated by a short quote from author, Madeleine L’Engle.  She wrote, “Easter is always the answer to “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?”  The depth of Christ’s pain on the cross was way more than the excruciating physical suffering of crucifixion, it was the agony of His soul as he experienced His Fathers’ just wrath for the full judgment of our sins.  We can’t even imagine what the darkness of that hour was like in Jesus’ soul, but Easter answers the question of why Jesus felt forsaken by His Father.   God forsook Him because of His love for US!!!  Knowing the resurrection would complete redemption’s full plan, He allowed His Son to endure that dark hour of suffering and death.  Easter turned tragedy to triumph and we are the benefactors.   Without a satisfactory sacrifice for sin, there is no redemption.  Easter opens up hope.  And as the song writer penned, “Our hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus blood and righteousness.”   Without the cross there is no way to enter into the presence of a Holy God and experience an eternal Easter.  I Peter 2:24 says it so well.  “He bore our sins on His body on the tree that we being dead in sin might live unto righteousness”.   What a God!!! 

Thursday, April 10, 2014


If you were at CCC last week you heard from our Search Committee chair, Mark Davis and an Elder Board member, Joe Smith that God has led us to my replacement. In fact Joe's words expressed the joyous opportunity to having a ringside seat of God at work.. This has been our prayer over these past seven months, "God's Man, God's Glory, God at Work". And He has been. Sunday, April 27th will be part of a confirmation weekend, where our church family gets to meet "God's Man and his wife."

Two years ago I went to visit a buddy in Hawaii. I spent time at McKenzie Park seeking the Lord's direction for my future. What was His plan for me? I left the islands with a clear sense that I enter into a two year transition to leave CCC and do interim ministries, helping churches who were between pastors. During the two years I was to prepare our staff for transition. continue to guide our vision advancement and begin the process of finding the new lead pastor. All is complete. We are at God"s time for change and I couldn't be more excited. I love seeing God at Work. So don't miss Sunday, April 27th for your own ringside seat.

Friday, April 4, 2014


This past weekend Melinda and I were at the church her son in law started five years ago in Wilmington, N.C.  They were celebrating the good work of God over these past five years and looking forward to the next five.  Two things especially impressed me as I saw their heart and values.  They were committed to bless their community with grace and generosity.  They identified needs and gave time and resources to impact those needs for the better.  Second they were committed to build a better community by partnering with other churches to make sure Christ got a good name in their community.  

Their Easter Egg Hunt this year is really fun to hear about.  They are joining with three other churches at the Community Park of Leland, inviting all the kids from the neighborhoods, some from very poor areas.  As the kids collect easter eggs, each egg has a number inside which can be exchanged for specific gifts.  People have donated things like new bikes to give to a kid who has never had one.  The intentionality to bless is all over this church.  

In fact they did something last Sunday I am not sure I would have the faith to do.  The offering that morning would all be given away.  None of it would go for the church budget.  The largest offering ever received was given, which included $6900 for a Vietnamese mom and her son, who became Christians last year and now want to return to Vietnam to share Jesus with her Buddhist family.

God’s hand is all over this church.  You've gotta love His imprint.  

The cool thing is that churches all over America are “getting it”.  It is all about getting the beauty of Jesus out into our communities.  His Grace and Generosity are worth emulating.  Let’s do it.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I have lived 67 years now and though my life has been a continuum of days with the present seeming to be a sensible convergence of the past, the truth is that there have been a lot of endings.  We move and say goodbye to friends.  We graduate from High School and leave the familiar behind for the wide unknown.  We marry and discard the independence of the single life.  We bury and mourn the death of a friend or beloved family member.  There are a lot of ends in life, chapters closing.  But in life, with each end is a new beginning.  Until we are in the endlessness of eternity that is how life works.  There are wonderful new beginnings.  I am at that juncture again.  On April 6th, Mark Davis, head of our Search Committee, is going to bring a significant update to our church family.  For the past 7 months the Search Team has worked diligently, asking the Lord to lead the process of finding His man to step into the role of Senior Pastor as I step into retirement.

The reality is hitting.  My days at Centerville Community Church are coming to an end.  Our home has a contract on it.  We are scheduled to close on May 9th.  God is leading the Search Committee to my replacement.  A joyous ending and new beginning is ahead of us.  Let’s get ready to celebrate.  Each new chapter has wonderful surprises and God’s rich blessings.  How good He is.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Last year at this time my sister was involved in a car accident in which my cousin was killed.  Because there was a death my sister had to appear before a judge for sentencing.  Fortunately she had an attorney who would be her advocate, presenting the facts of the case and asking the court for mercy in the midst of justice.  Her advocate was a veteran lawyer in these types of cases.  The outcome was fair and just and we as a family were so thankful for this man’s representation.

I was reading in I John, that short but uplifting epistle, and came across this verse which starts chapter 2.  “My little children, I am writing these things to you that you may not sin.  And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous.”  What a blessed encouragement that verse is.  Jesus is a veteran presence in the court.  He understands our weaknesses having been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.  Our Advocate is better than any attorney on earth, for no matter what our crime, Jesus did the time.  He took our sins upon Him that we might stand righteous and uncondemnable before our Holy Father.  What an advocate.  Need one?

Thursday, March 13, 2014


What were the most spiritually influential places you attended when you were growing up?  Though I went to church every Sunday with my parents, the places where my most significant decisions were made about God were not in church believe it or not.  They were at retreats and summer camps.  I went to my first camp when I was 8 years old.  It was there I prayed with the camp director to receive Christ.  (My mom loved to tell people I was having such a good time I never once opened my suitcase.  It came back exactly as she had packed it.  Must have slept in my clothes and worn the same underwear for a week.  Is that possible?)  

As the years went by I attended camps every summer into my teen years.  The Spirit of God really got my attention during those weeks for I remember going to the altar to rededicate myself to God.  Spiritual maturity seldom outstrips personal maturity so growing in Christ takes a lot longer time when you start out at 8 years old.  But those years were so instrumental in what God was doing in my life and how He was preparing me for the life He planned for me.  I look back with fondness at summer camp.  

But many kids don’t do church camp any more.  Can I encourage you Moms and Dads to consider sending your kid to church camp this summer?  Robb Burt our Children’s Pastor is promoting one in August for 3-6 graders.  Be sure you look for the details as they come your way.  Church camp can make a huge difference in your kid’s life as they grow.  It is a great investment whether they unpack their suitcase or not.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Our house has been on the market for two months.  We have had about 10 showings and an open house or two, but no offers.  One family really wanted it but couldn’t pay the price.  Two others really liked it, but it was there second choice.  The Realtors that show it all tell us it is beautiful, priced right and was their favorite of all the houses they showed, but we still sit waiting for someone to want it more than any other.

I think of that as it relates to Jesus.  He is beautiful.  He shows well because He is full of love, compassion, sacrifice, all the attributes that are so attractive.  And He is priced right – FREE!  Yet He sits and waits for people to want Him more than all others.  I often wonder why it is that people look at Jesus and yet choose other things as more desirable.  A movie arrived at the theater last week, entitled, ‘The Son of God”.  Our Community Group went to see it on Tuesday.  I watched, enthralled again at the beautiful story of God’s love.  God became a baby so He could live among us.  I watched, amazed at the beauty of Jesus’ tenderness, compassion and power.  I watched his crucifixion and saw the selflessness, sacrifice and incomprehensible love.  I applauded at His victorious resurrection.  But I realized that for so many people it is still just a beautiful story, much like an engrossing novel.  
It’s time to revisit Jesus.  Don’t just embrace the story, embrace the Savior.  He should never be our second choice.

Friday, February 21, 2014


Back in November I bought my dream car.  Melinda and I were in Florida and we determined we didn’t need two sedans once we moved there.  We’d keep her Honda CRV and I would sell my Chevy Impala and buy my longed for sports car.  Right before my eyes was the car I was looking for, right year, right mileage, right price.  A gorgeous 2000 black BMW Z3 convertible with only 32,800 miles on it.  Only problem was it was in probate due to the death of the owner.  A few weeks ago it was released, and driven to Melinda’s garage where it waited for my loving care.  This past week I went to Florida for some R & R, planning to get the title transferred, get plates for the car and cruise the beach with the top down just enjoying the sunshine.  With title in hand, along with the bill of sale I was all set to tackle the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.  The first person we talked to informed me that I was short a piece of paper, the certificate from probate showing that the person I bought it from had legal authority to sell it.  The seller had sent the original certificate to the Florida BMV at a Tampa branch.  He was now in Connecticut.  We both figured that the Palm Beach branch could access this from some central computer file.  We had all the storage information.  No such luck.  I had to procure a copy of the certificate and bring it in.
After a couple days effort, I was able to get a copy, but upon return to the BMV was told I needed the original.  I made four trips in all to the BMV but each time was turned away empty handed.  My week ended with no title, no plates and the little beauty still sitting in the garage, never seeing the light of day.
My time at the BMV was interesting.  As I sat with the various clerks, I couldn’t help but listen to other customers talking with the clerks next to me.  I realized that most people come to the BMV uptight ready for a fight if things don’t go their way.  The man next to me was a paper short.  His response was one of frustration, anger and demands.  I realized that the BMV agents probably get blasted a lot.  What a great place to give testimony by our words and actions of how our walk with God allows us to show grace and pleasantness even in the midst of frustration.  Had a bad BMV experience?  What a great place to show the grace of God.   “Let your speech always be with grace.”  Colossians 4:6

Friday, February 7, 2014


Throughout a life time of listening we will hear little sayings or adages we just never forget.  My Mom had a few pet sayings that I still recall and quote to this day.   Things like:
“A place for everything and everything in its place.”  (It sure saves a lot of time when you are looking for something.)  
“A quick ‘thank you’ is a double ‘thank you’”.   
Benjamin Franklin had a bunch of them.  
“A penny saved is a penny earned”.
“Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days.”
“We must all hang together, or assuredly we will all hang separately.”   Great advice during the Revolutionary War.
Leadership has its adages.  
“Plan your work then work your plan.”
“When all is said and done, more is said than done.”
Are there any sayings about God that stick in your mind?  How about these?
“Don’t tell God how BIG the storm is.  Tell the storm how BIG your God is!”
“The family that prays together, stays together.
God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.”
Do you have any favorites?  I know there are plenty out there.

Friday, January 31, 2014


My father has been dead for 13 years now.  I have incredible admiration for my Dad so I’ve been pondering the question, “How much of my Dad do I have in me?”  Obviously I have genetic representation since he’s my biological Father.  I know I have his hands.  I wear the wedding band my Mom gave him on my right hand.  When I look at my hands I see my Dad’s hands.  And then I think of my Dad.  The ring and my hands are a reminder of the things I admired about my Dad.  My Dad was a kind and gentle man.  He was trustworthy.  He was a hard worker and good provider.  He was faithful to my Mom for all 60 years of their marriage.   He gave generously of his earnings to the Lord’s work and always was there to help family.    He called regularly on Saturday mornings to talk and pray with me for Sunday’s ministry.  

The characteristics of my Dad that are seen in me are there because of my desire to emulate them in my life.  I have a heavenly Father whose characteristics are also very known to me, His sacrificial love, His touch of compassion and kindness, His strength and wisdom, His grace and mercy.  I not only want friends of my Dad’s to say, “I see your Dad in you”, I also want to hear people say, “I see your heavenly Father in you.”

Are there qualities of God we admire?  Do we want to emulate them in our lives?  Can you see them?  Can you name them?  Can you live them?

Friday, January 24, 2014


A question was recently posted on Facebook.  “Is it necessary for a Christian to go to church?”  The intent behind the question wasn’t trying to determine if going to church is necessary for salvation or for securing it, because from a biblical perspective it certainly is not.  But the question’s importance is more this: “Should a Christian make church a necessity in their walk with Christ?”  The biblical answer to this one is “yes”.  
Assembling together as the body of Christ is a constant in the Scriptures.  In Acts we see that the early church gathered together for the apostles teaching, fellowship, communion and prayer.  We also read that worship was a high priority for the church.  Praising God for all He was and did marks the church throughout the ages.  
Yet because we realize our salvation isn’t tied to church attendance we can develop some sloppy habits regarding church.  We live at a time when we have mobility and enough disposable income to take trips and get away on a lot of weekends.  If we have kids, we find that school scheduled activities, especially sports, compete with Sunday mornings.  We have full social calendars that can make Sunday morning an attractive day to sleep in.  
We certainly don’t want to adopt attitudes of legalism or be judgmental, but we do well to remember the admonition of the writer of Hebrews in 10:25, “And let us not neglect our meeting together as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of His coming back again is drawing near.”
“Is it necessary for a Christian to go to church?”   Yes, if we are going to follow the example of the believers in Bible times and throughout history.  Yes, if we allow our church attendance to deepen our worship and love for God.  Yes, if we want to be built up into a deeper faith.  Yes, if we want to be used by God to encourage each other and pray for one another.  In fact to not be a part of our Sunday gathering impoverishes us and others that God intends us to bless.
So how do you view church on your scale of what’s important?  If you were to ask God, would He be happy with your view?

Friday, January 17, 2014


The teal colored prayer band I wear on my left wrist comes into my line of sight throughout the day.  I can easily ignore it, letting it become an ornament of intention, or I can pause and lift a prayer to the Lord that he will work through the Search Committee to lead them to the man He has appointed for us.  I want to stay committed to pray.

Mark Davis chairs our Search Committee.  Along with Joe Smith, Liz Rao, Amy Lane, Todd Kocher and Jerry Dendinger, they have worked hard and prayed hard.  They understand the responsibility assigned to them and truly value and depend on our prayers.  Below is an update from Mark.

The Pastoral Search Committee has completed the review of over 220 resumes over the past four months. Having completed the in depth analysis of twenty of these resumes, we have identified three candidates that we are planning to interview during the month of February.  At the conclusion of these interviews the Search Committee will once again update the congregation of Centerville Community Church. 

These are exciting days as we begin to prepare for a new lead pastor.  Please continue to pray for our Search Committee that God will give them wisdom and discernment as they prepare for and undertake these interviews.  May God give unity of spirit in the decisions made regarding the candidates.  February is a very important month.  Let’s continue in joyful and expectant prayer. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014


I. Love. Sundays.  

There is something about being in church with other believers in Jesus, singing praise to our Great and Grace giving God, celebrating the full salvation we have received so freely, and loving Him in corporate worship that fills my soul.  I love His Truth, incorporated into hymns and choruses, and read and taught from the Bible.  

Meeting together as the body of Christ was God’s idea.  I understand why.  It doesn’t matter if my life is being lived on the high notes of life, or down in the basement notes.  Whatever my circumstance, I find church the perfect place to be.  
Church time reminds me who God is, who I am, what I have in Him, that He is trustworthy, that He loves ME, and that He is always with me.  It reminds me of how worthy He is of praise, of my time and communion with Him.  It reminds me of the generosity of His grace and the life found in His truth.  

Being together with the body of Christ on Sundays is the best.  I love our fellowship times, our learning times, praying with and for each other, encouraging one another, and having our minds and hearts shaped by His ongoing work in us.  
It is the staple in my spiritual diet.  It is nutrition for the daily grind.  It gets the week started off right.

If you are a bit lax in your Sunday attendance at church, may I encourage you to renew the commitment?  The blessings that come from this good habit can’t really be found anywhere else.    

See you Sunday!