Saturday, January 11, 2014


I. Love. Sundays.  

There is something about being in church with other believers in Jesus, singing praise to our Great and Grace giving God, celebrating the full salvation we have received so freely, and loving Him in corporate worship that fills my soul.  I love His Truth, incorporated into hymns and choruses, and read and taught from the Bible.  

Meeting together as the body of Christ was God’s idea.  I understand why.  It doesn’t matter if my life is being lived on the high notes of life, or down in the basement notes.  Whatever my circumstance, I find church the perfect place to be.  
Church time reminds me who God is, who I am, what I have in Him, that He is trustworthy, that He loves ME, and that He is always with me.  It reminds me of how worthy He is of praise, of my time and communion with Him.  It reminds me of the generosity of His grace and the life found in His truth.  

Being together with the body of Christ on Sundays is the best.  I love our fellowship times, our learning times, praying with and for each other, encouraging one another, and having our minds and hearts shaped by His ongoing work in us.  
It is the staple in my spiritual diet.  It is nutrition for the daily grind.  It gets the week started off right.

If you are a bit lax in your Sunday attendance at church, may I encourage you to renew the commitment?  The blessings that come from this good habit can’t really be found anywhere else.    

See you Sunday!

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