My father has been dead for 13 years now. I have incredible admiration for my Dad so I’ve been pondering the question, “How much of my Dad do I have in me?” Obviously I have genetic representation since he’s my biological Father. I know I have his hands. I wear the wedding band my Mom gave him on my right hand. When I look at my hands I see my Dad’s hands. And then I think of my Dad. The ring and my hands are a reminder of the things I admired about my Dad. My Dad was a kind and gentle man. He was trustworthy. He was a hard worker and good provider. He was faithful to my Mom for all 60 years of their marriage. He gave generously of his earnings to the Lord’s work and always was there to help family. He called regularly on Saturday mornings to talk and pray with me for Sunday’s ministry.
The characteristics of my Dad that are seen in me are there because of my desire to emulate them in my life. I have a heavenly Father whose characteristics are also very known to me, His sacrificial love, His touch of compassion and kindness, His strength and wisdom, His grace and mercy. I not only want friends of my Dad’s to say, “I see your Dad in you”, I also want to hear people say, “I see your heavenly Father in you.”
Are there qualities of God we admire? Do we want to emulate them in our lives? Can you see them? Can you name them? Can you live them?