Friday, June 20, 2014


Time can be a cruel taskmaster.  It tics and tics unrelentingly.  We have heard the adages, “Time waits for no man,” and “Time marches on.”  I am experiencing their truth right now.

I am in my last four Sundays of ministry at CCC.  In a short period of time I will be saying goodbye to a church community that I have loved dearly.  I count it among my life’s greatest joys and blessings to have been the lead pastor of Centerville Community Church.  

I spent these past few months asking myself, “What do I preach at the end?  What do I really want to leave behind from God’s Word?”

After weeks of thought I decided to pick three verses or passages of Scripture that have played a major part in shaping my life and ministry.  Here they are.  June 22 – II Corinthians 5:14,15.  I am going to title the sermon, Living by Dying.  On June 29th I will be speaking from one of the key verses that can be used to describe Jesus’ life on earth.  It bears our full commitment.  Its John 1:14 – Grace and Truth.  On July 6th, my last preaching Sunday here, I will focus on Proverbs 3:5,6, which speaks about Trust and Confidence.  

On Sunday, July 13th, I will have the joy of passing the shepherd’s staff to our new pastor, Dwight Ford, then leaving that afternoon with Melinda for Florida and the next chapter of our lives in serving the Lord.  Goodbyes are hard, but as we all know with each goodbye comes a new beginning, and when God is in it good things come from it.  
So let’s make these last weeks meaningful and victorious.  Let’s embrace what God is doing and what He has to say from his Word.  See you Sunday.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


We are excited about the Fords’ arrival.  Lara will be here next week trying to finalize housing.  They want to get moved here as quickly as they can, hoping to be here by Sunday, July 13th.  We have an exciting combined service planned for their Welcome Sunday.  You won't want to miss it.  We will follow the service with a church picnic.  It's going to be a fun day to celebrate.

Pray for the Fords as they move.  They have a house to sell in NY and a home to sublet in Washington.  Pray that suitable housing will be found next week. 

We will keep you posted as further details come about.