Tuesday, March 25, 2014


I have lived 67 years now and though my life has been a continuum of days with the present seeming to be a sensible convergence of the past, the truth is that there have been a lot of endings.  We move and say goodbye to friends.  We graduate from High School and leave the familiar behind for the wide unknown.  We marry and discard the independence of the single life.  We bury and mourn the death of a friend or beloved family member.  There are a lot of ends in life, chapters closing.  But in life, with each end is a new beginning.  Until we are in the endlessness of eternity that is how life works.  There are wonderful new beginnings.  I am at that juncture again.  On April 6th, Mark Davis, head of our Search Committee, is going to bring a significant update to our church family.  For the past 7 months the Search Team has worked diligently, asking the Lord to lead the process of finding His man to step into the role of Senior Pastor as I step into retirement.

The reality is hitting.  My days at Centerville Community Church are coming to an end.  Our home has a contract on it.  We are scheduled to close on May 9th.  God is leading the Search Committee to my replacement.  A joyous ending and new beginning is ahead of us.  Let’s get ready to celebrate.  Each new chapter has wonderful surprises and God’s rich blessings.  How good He is.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Last year at this time my sister was involved in a car accident in which my cousin was killed.  Because there was a death my sister had to appear before a judge for sentencing.  Fortunately she had an attorney who would be her advocate, presenting the facts of the case and asking the court for mercy in the midst of justice.  Her advocate was a veteran lawyer in these types of cases.  The outcome was fair and just and we as a family were so thankful for this man’s representation.

I was reading in I John, that short but uplifting epistle, and came across this verse which starts chapter 2.  “My little children, I am writing these things to you that you may not sin.  And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous.”  What a blessed encouragement that verse is.  Jesus is a veteran presence in the court.  He understands our weaknesses having been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin.  Our Advocate is better than any attorney on earth, for no matter what our crime, Jesus did the time.  He took our sins upon Him that we might stand righteous and uncondemnable before our Holy Father.  What an advocate.  Need one?

Thursday, March 13, 2014


What were the most spiritually influential places you attended when you were growing up?  Though I went to church every Sunday with my parents, the places where my most significant decisions were made about God were not in church believe it or not.  They were at retreats and summer camps.  I went to my first camp when I was 8 years old.  It was there I prayed with the camp director to receive Christ.  (My mom loved to tell people I was having such a good time I never once opened my suitcase.  It came back exactly as she had packed it.  Must have slept in my clothes and worn the same underwear for a week.  Is that possible?)  

As the years went by I attended camps every summer into my teen years.  The Spirit of God really got my attention during those weeks for I remember going to the altar to rededicate myself to God.  Spiritual maturity seldom outstrips personal maturity so growing in Christ takes a lot longer time when you start out at 8 years old.  But those years were so instrumental in what God was doing in my life and how He was preparing me for the life He planned for me.  I look back with fondness at summer camp.  

But many kids don’t do church camp any more.  Can I encourage you Moms and Dads to consider sending your kid to church camp this summer?  Robb Burt our Children’s Pastor is promoting one in August for 3-6 graders.  Be sure you look for the details as they come your way.  Church camp can make a huge difference in your kid’s life as they grow.  It is a great investment whether they unpack their suitcase or not.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Our house has been on the market for two months.  We have had about 10 showings and an open house or two, but no offers.  One family really wanted it but couldn’t pay the price.  Two others really liked it, but it was there second choice.  The Realtors that show it all tell us it is beautiful, priced right and was their favorite of all the houses they showed, but we still sit waiting for someone to want it more than any other.

I think of that as it relates to Jesus.  He is beautiful.  He shows well because He is full of love, compassion, sacrifice, all the attributes that are so attractive.  And He is priced right – FREE!  Yet He sits and waits for people to want Him more than all others.  I often wonder why it is that people look at Jesus and yet choose other things as more desirable.  A movie arrived at the theater last week, entitled, ‘The Son of God”.  Our Community Group went to see it on Tuesday.  I watched, enthralled again at the beautiful story of God’s love.  God became a baby so He could live among us.  I watched, amazed at the beauty of Jesus’ tenderness, compassion and power.  I watched his crucifixion and saw the selflessness, sacrifice and incomprehensible love.  I applauded at His victorious resurrection.  But I realized that for so many people it is still just a beautiful story, much like an engrossing novel.  
It’s time to revisit Jesus.  Don’t just embrace the story, embrace the Savior.  He should never be our second choice.